Tuesday, January 5, 2010

JanimeS Torrents for IS [ai-esu] Volume 1 to 8

Sorry everyone, no new chapter just yet. We're a little slower this month due to the holidays just passing, but Dokukinoko is back to work now on Chapter 39!

Volumes 1 to 8 @ JanimeS

This is a post to point everyone in the direction of the first eight volumes of IS [ai-esu], done a few years back by the group JanimeS.

They are currently only available via torrents. (If you're not familliar with this download method, try a guide/explanation such as this one.)

JanimeS Main Page

To access the torrent files for IS [ai-esu], first Register with JanimeS forum.

Next, in the search bar you can type "aiesu", which brings up a search history of everything on their site having to do with IS [ai-esu]. It will be showing you IS [ai-esu] Forum threads by default, so click "Downloads" on the sub-bar (between "Calendar" and "Scanlation") to see all the IS [ai-esu] torrent download links.

Here's a shortcut to the torrent downloads: (in case you can't follow my weird instructions @__@)

IS [ai-esu] Torrent Download Links @ JanimeS


Hope this helps all those who haven't had a chance to read Volumes 1-8! Keep in mind that Haru's story begins after two side-stories also about intersexual people.

Chapter Summaries Anyone?

Also on that note, I was wondering if anyone who reads and loves IS [ai-esu] would be willing to write up some chapter summaries? I enjoy them to keep my head straight, ahha, though I don't have time to do so. Just 1 or 2 sentences on the topic of the chapter would be great! Any volunteers can post below and then get to it :3


  1. Hey guys, I'm just gearing up to re-read it, so I'll write down some summaries as I go. Did you want the non-Haru volume 1 as well?
    ~ thomas (chooba88@hotmail.com)

  2. Sounds good Thomas! Sure if you don't mind, quick summary of V1 would be nice too :3 Thanks! I'll post it somewhere here on the blog when you finish~

  3. In case there are people who can't do torrents for whatever reason, JanimeS's releases are available for DDL at mangatraders here: http://www.mangatraders.com/manga/series/1624

  4. Volume 11 and 12? O.o Anywhere online?

  5. Hi!, nice to meet you, I really want to thank you for bringing forward this manga, I don't speak and write english so well, so please, forgive if I wrong. Thank you.

  6. Where is the torrent/magnet link? The JanimeS' forum no longer exists!

  7. Please, release a voluve 1 to 8....
