Friday, October 26, 2012

Chapter 55 Release

We begin Volume 13 with Haru and Ibuki examining their relationship. What does the future hold for these two?

IS [ai-esu] Volume 13 Chapter 55


  1. Sweet! Thanks a lot for this chapter!

  2. Thanks so much for another release! Really love the story and appreciate your hard work.

  3. Yay ^^ Thank you so much for your hard work!!!

  4. thank you so much for your hard work. I know you couldn't tell me about it, but please does this serie end well??? I love Haru's story so much. I'd be devastated if Haru didn't find happiness in the end

  5. Thank you so much for doing this. All the hard work that goes into it. I was so happy when i see it is still being done. I love Haru, and this story so much. It's sad because it's such a great manga but I really can't imagine anyone actually officially bringing it over in english. Thanks to you I can still find out what is going to happen.
