Friday, September 5, 2014

Chapter 65

First chapter of Volume 15! Motoki contemplates both his own and Hoshino's life views, and Ibuki also reflects on the past. Can they fulfill their future dreams?

IS [ai-esu] Volume 15 Chapter 65


  1. Thank you! I'm always happy to see a new release of this awesome series.^^

  2. Thank you for this chapter ^^

  3. hountou ni ARIGATOOOOU GOZAIMASU!! you shared to us one of the very very best mangas i've ever read!! (and i've read a lot. i mean, colossal lot. and when you do, you get a much better know-how of what's a good and bad manga, or what makes this special and so on.)
    thank you thank you thank you! and please keep it up til the end! if you'd have to stop midway I'd have a hard time dealing with myself.
    I love the characters, the story, the strength and beauty of this series.

  4. This manga has been on my list for a long time but I have been putting it off because the translation was unfinished. I finally sat down to read it and have caught up, so I want to say thank you for making an effort to complete this manga. Having stories like this available to read in an ocean of shounen and shoujo mangas that are mostly forgettable is wonderful.

    1. agreed :D finding such feels like the triumph in finding a needle in a haystack. ^_^
